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Quit Clutter and Increase Productivity

Clutter - especially on one's desk or workspace - may seem harmless and normal, just a part of your everyday work environment, but it is actually a problem that can harm your happiness and make you less successful. Clutter has been shown to have negative impact on the mind and increase stress. However, a quite way to boost your productivity and help clear you mind is to clear your space. Here are a few of our favorite tips to decrease everyday office clutter:

Quit Clutter and Increase Productivity

1. If you don't use it regularly, remove it

Store any items that aren't used on a daily or at least weekly basis away from your immediate work area, so you have a tidier space for the things you need regular access to.

2. Use a desktop organizer and filing cabinets

Paper is one of the number one causes of workplace clutter. Rather than keeping stacks of paperwork on your desk, file it away using a desktop organizer for recent/relevant paper and a filing cabinet for completed work.

3. Handle items only once

This rule goes for both digital and physical clutter: decide what to do with something immediately upon receiving it - don't let it linger in your unread emails or in an indecisive pile

4. Limit the number of personal items and knickknacks

Obviously, we want everyone to feel comfortable in their workspace and keeping photos of loved ones is great for morale. Be careful, however, that a space doesn't fill with too many small personal items so as to overwhelm yourself or the space you have.

5. Scan and shred

Keep a scanned version of important documents to refer to later but shred paperwork that would otherwise build up into clutter.


Clutter can build up over time but often takes very little time and effort to clear away and the results of doing so are well worth that investment. A perfectly clear desk isn't the only way to success, but it does help. For help getting started on your next project, contact us today.

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